Book Review: This is Home - The Art of Simple Living
This is Home – The Art of Simple Living
By Natalie Walton
This book had me at; “A home is one of our most important creations. Within its frame, we create lifelong memories and manage our lives…” and, “Homes must not start with the end in mind.
They need to begin with our story. To unearth a home, we have to dig deep, to understand
ourselves as well as others who live there… home design should shift from the surface to the
sensory.” If there is one thing I stay true to in my work, it is these very sentiments.
I may had done a little happy jig and skipped all responsibilities to read on.

Real and raw interiors, completely authentic to the clients I help – that’s the yardstick for success in my work. So when author, Natalie Walton, teased this very theme out across the pages of her beautiful book, I could have soaked up a further million pages. It has been delivered in such an intelligent, elegant manner, that it would be remiss of me not to share a review.
While This is Home is a guidebook and pulls its readers back-to-basics for developing heartfelt
interiors, it actually stirs a much deeper response. For me, it reaffirmed a responsibility of
defining exactly what makes a client feel happy at home. To help them live simply within its
frame, and be 100% reflective of their personal needs and style. Natalie, and photographer, Chris Warnes, have nailed this thought and delivered it via a bunch of delicious case studies and stunning photography.

What I appreciated too, was the relevancy of this book. Leaf through this book with confidence – it’s written for you, me and everyone in between. Forget unattainable budgets, pretentious
spaces, or industry-speak language, this book mirrors its theme of living simply – and living true to oneself. Each page is weighted with thought-provoking words and clever ideas. It shuns big dollars and shares how to create a beautiful home on any budget.
Each case study reveals a non-traditional renovation journey. There is a lovely aspirational feel to them, yet timeless and unexpected too. Best of all, they are true homes - completely embracing the people who live within them.
I think Natalie and Chris have created a little piece of style genius, and the book will now hold
centre stage on my coffee table.
Smart. Informative. Beautiful – get your hands on it, or gift it to someone you treasure.
Book purchased from Paper Plane Store